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Tuesday, September 14, 2010


How burdened we can become from the cares of the day. Even in our beds, the pressures, loose ends, and complications of the world seem to drum on our minds and ring in our ears. That is why Paul tells us to constantly make melody to the Lord in our hearts . It’s a song of praise, but it’s also a song of war; pulling down strongholds of frustration from our day and bringing into captivity every worrisome thought. ...let them sing aloud upon their beds . The heavenly song in our hearts drowns out the sick symphony of the world and brings us peace. We exchange Christ’s pure melody of joy and angels singing for the world’s muddled melody of computer keyboards tapping, tires screeching, engines chugging, cash registers ringing, and heels clicking...all going nowhere at such a frantic pace. The world entices us to march to its beat, losing sight of God, and tossing and turning on our beds, but Christ gives His beloved sleep. Jesus would have us leaning on His breast, in heavenly places, beside still waters. His call to His bride is ever, Rise up. My love, my fair one, and come away (Song of Solomon 2:10), away from the flickering neon signs of the world to the calm light of Christ, away from the suspicious stares of the world to the loving gaze of Christ. As we hearken to His call, and seek His gentle presence by night, He will rejoice with singing too. Listen to His lullaby and soon we’ll be asleep on our pillows, even amidst a storm of cares.


1 comment:

Sumandak Kinabalu said...

I love this one...
thanks for sharing

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