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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


What does the word "oppression" mean to you? What does it mean to be "needy" in some area of your life? These may sound like old-fashioned terms, but these are the terms the Bible uses for what many of us have been feeling, night after night. In other words, someone or something (be it a natural circumstance, a demonic force, an illness or any other kind of burden) has weighed you down so heavily that you've started to believe you have no power to overcome it. Has this oppression gone on for so long that you're convinced you have no strength to fight?
Don't despair; the Lord is about to come to your rescue! Have faith and believe... Throughout the Bible we see that He will only put up with the oppression of His needy ones for so long. Then He arises with great strength, and joining with you, soon puts the enemy to flight in that area of your life. This is what He is doing . He is promising, "Now will I arise, says the Lord, because the poor are oppressed, because of groans of the needy; I will set him in safety and in the salvation for which he pants..Now it's our time to ARISE in JESUS NAME..
For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him.
Psalm 12:5


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