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Monday, July 13, 2009


My first day for my new school come and the excitement turn into nervousness. But before the first day of school, my cousin talk already to our neighbor who is in the same school to help me to find my class adviser. And the new beginning began. My class teacher start to introduce herself and she explained to all my new classmates that they have new transferee classmate and that’s me. Everybody are starting to introduce themselves and when it’s my turn I feel very shy and nervous. First I had my province accent but I don’t have choice when it’s my turn to introduced myself. I know somebody are laughing at me because of my accent. (we all know some of us who came from the province one our difficulties is our accent , sometimes the (e) become (i) and vice versa. I meet my very first friend and become best friend over the years. Let’s call her M, she is the most intelligent in the class. We become good friends starting that day, she is very nice and accommodating. She always assisted me every time I need to know something and I am more happy when I knew that she is our neighbor and family friend of my cousin. In the end of the day I can say that everything goes well.. M and I left the school together and the night after our first day in school she visited me in my house and have some conversation. I told her that I am so nervous during the introduction because of my accent. She said no worries. Sooner I will be used to it. The next day we always together and I find out that she is a teacher pet because she is intelligent and one of the top of the class.

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