- She/He keep all his Credit Cards bills secret.
- She/He go out often with friends?
- She/He is very cautious about his computer passwords?
- She/He stay in computer chatting with somebody until early in the morning?
- How about if she/he always talking to somebody in the phone?
- Last She/He is chatting with somebody in invisible mode?
The Innocence Of Abigail
20 hours ago
Jumping to conclusions never help any relationship. Most of the time suspicions don't help at all, so why have them. If you think something is not right, talk to your partner. Lay down all your cards. Ask him/her about why he keeps these things a secret. If in the end you still feel that he/she is cheating on you, then why not investigate, never jump to any conclusions. Sometimes mere suspicion can destroy a relationship. Remember that if there is no trust a relationship can never survive.
I hope I have given you some kind of insight on this matter... :D
secretive people make terrible partners. I say have a conversation with him/her and find out what is going on.
Uh, yeah. These aren't good signs, but like Ane, I think you shouldn't jump to conclusions. Good luck.
Numbers 3,4,5,6 are implied signs of a red flag.
All that has been enumerated above is a red flag to me. I think somebody is cheating or hiding something. Let the cat out from the closet!!! hehehe
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