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Sunday, September 25, 2011


Do you ever have days where people have a negative effect on you? In fact, as the day continues you become more negative than positive and find your feelings changing from peaceful, happy thoughts to ones of discouragement and confusion? When bombarded by negative-speaking people, don’t respond to a negative with another negative or agree with their comments just to be accepted. People don’t always mean to be negative but they find themselves with a negative spirit before they realize it. So if you remain positive, you will help them and help yourself as well. As our Lord instructs, Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification . The Lord always has our good in mind through every situation that we might find ourselves. In a negative experience be encouraged. Remember, it is an opportunity to minister the positive life of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will provide you with the support and wisdom you need. It is God’s will for you to grow and bless others by learning as a result of this confrontation. Walking in His strength helps us to see another’s weakness more clearly and to help us avoid adding to their troubles. Then, we are capable of listening to God’s quiet whisperings within our hearts showing us the way to minister His love and acceptance to the individual in need. As you live each day accepting challenges, and believing in God’s goodness toward you through them; each opportunity you experience really will turn into a blessing and become an encouragement to you


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