Have you ever questioned God? Have you ever asked Him why He did something one way instead of another? Have you ever presented Him with alternate plans that certainly seemed more logical to you?
Of course you have, because you’re human. Every one of us has surely questioned God at some point in our lives. We don’t question God’s existence or holiness or righteousness, and yet we question God’s judgment because things don’t work out the way we think they should or the way we want them to. If we don’t like the way He works in the circumstances of our lives – even though we’ve supposedly yielded our lives to Him – then we complain about His fairness and question His methods.
Our big problem is that we would like to get God’s thinking in line with ours.
But, God’s Word says: For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9).
The secret to receiving God’s best for your life – the divine solution to your problems, and the plan of total victory in all of your circumstances – is not in getting God to work things our way, but in deciding that His way is what you really want and is for your best. Remember, He has the big perspective for your life; we only see what is confronting us today...