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Friday, October 31, 2008


Historically, gold has always been treasured for its ornamental value, but most recently, its uses have expanded. Because of its electrical conductivity and resistance to corrosion, gold has become necessary for industrial uses also. From jewelry to computers to air crafts, the need for gold continues to grow.The problem is demand for metals is increasing at a faster pace than the mining industry can supply. Mined gold and gold in banks only lasts so long. Precious metal recycling makes up the gap between growing demand and decreasing supply. The current high precious metals prices, combined with the economic downturn, has led to a dramatic increase in the number of people wanting to cash in their gold or other precious metal items. If you need some extra money and think that recycling your jewelry might be something you'd be interested in, there are some things you should consider. First, use a company who will give you a fair price with the option of getting your jewelry back should you decide not to take their offer. Also make sure that you work with a company that is a member of the Better Business Bureau and a recognized industry organization . Check to help ensure you get the best offer. SO GUY'S what are we waiting for.. Let's check our safety box... and have some cash for Christmas shopping.

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