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Monday, October 3, 2011


Was this one of those “red letter” days? Did you feel on top of the world... full of accomplishment and joy? Is your heart singing with happiness? Praise the Lord! When we come to the end of one of those great days where everything seemed to go right and the enemy had to tuck in his tail and go hide, don’t forget to give credit where credit is due and rejoice in the Lord! Or, if this was not a particularly happy day, go back to a happy day in your memory and give praise, believing God for a happier day tomorrow. How beautiful is it when our day can reflect the “good life” that our Father would love for us to live each day! “But whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God, the Creator of all light, and he shines forever without change or shadow”. Acknowledge the Lord as the source of all the good and perfect things that happen to us. Without Him, we would not have good. The darkness of the enemy would reign and our lives would never know joy or fulfillment without His light. So, on this happy day of days, give praise! Sing aloud with the joy that comes from knowing our God is in control...


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