In this busy life we lead, distractions can pull us away from our favorite spot, kneeling at the feet of our Lord.
Is this one of those evenings when the Lord seems as though He’s far away? Even those of us who love Him very dearly can have times when He seems more distant and less real to us than we would like.
We need to recognize how the enemy will try to cloud our vision of the Lord, make Him seem less omnipotent, less merciful than we know He is.
Go to Him tonight in prayer, study His precious promises, sing a song of praise to Him and begin to feel yourself drawing near to Him again. For He does not move away from us. If we are not near Him, it is because we have drawn away.
Don’t be discouraged if His face does not seem clear to you tonight, beloved. Hold fast to the glorious promise we have been given that because we know Him and love Him and acknowledge Him as the Lord of the Universe, no matter how close or far we feel from our Savior tonight, we will someday see Him in all His glory!
“In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror, but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face to face” .