Have you ever gone to bed feeling almost unclean after listening to the details of someone's troubled personal life? Heartfelt confessions and innermost secrets come tumbling out as people come to us for comfort, help and relief. I don't think we fully realize how much these soul-baring tales affect us until we go to bed at night. Then every sordid detail looms up on the screen of our minds, causing unrest. If this describes you, then God has the perfect solution for you to be mentally, emotionally and spiritually refreshed. He says, "Let Me cleanse you." As He told Peter, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with (in) Me – no share in companionship with Me...Anyone who is bathed needs not to wash except his feet, but is clean all over" . What do your feet do? They are the part of your body that takes you (spiritually) to where they are, as you walk with them in their misery or darkness. That is why, as you go to bed tonight, Jesus wants to cleanse your feet. He wants to relieve you of all the mental pictures or other muck you may have been trampling around in. He longs to cleanse you so you can spend the night in sweet, peaceful companionship with Him in its entirety: