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Monday, May 17, 2010


Is anything too hard for God? The answer is no, yet some of us are perplexed because we have been told, we have an incurable physical condition. Some of us have prayed for years , gone to healing services, been anointed with oil and been faithful to God, but the infirmity still exists. Many nights some of us have laid awake feeling like a spiritual failure. Please don't let these thoughts oppress us any longer! There is tremendous victory ahead, but God may want to achieve it in a way we have not yet considered. For while He is our Your Healer and a miracle-working God, He has granted some of us the privilege of coming into new spiritual power and maturity through the healing process. Paul was one such person. After being told by Jesus that His strength was made perfect in weakness, Paul declared that he would then glory in his infirmities so that Christ's power would more abundantly rest on him (See 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.). The book of Hebrews shows us an even more dramatic picture of this principle. In describing the "Heroes of Faith” it says they: "...subdued kingdoms, administered justice, obtained promised blessings, closed the mouths of lions, Extinguished the power of raging fire, escaped the devourings of the sword, out of frailty and weakness won strength and became stalwart, even mighty and resistless in battle...” Pray for a new attitude toward our condition. We don't know what God will do in the future, but we can begin to use our existing circumstances as a steppingstone to greater spiritual power...


1 comment:

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Who can say why? I have had healings in the past. Then suddenly an accident and although I can now walk, I cannot go very far or for very long. Still, this is Gods Will concerning me. I am better than most.
"For when I am weak, He is strong." We do depend on Him more whan we can't do as much..
God bless you always and in everything. Hugs.

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